September 14, 2011

Mission accomplished

First-a very big apology for taking this long to get more pictures of the finished product up. In our defense, it's been a very busy summer settling in and getting the landscaping done (yes, poor excuse) but the front was just finished a couple weeks back so here we are, finally ready to share. It feels pretty amazing having things complete and it's really sinking in that this is now home. We've gotten all sorts of fantastic reaction from those who have seen it so far and we're feeling a tremendous amount of pride. Especially the architect extraordinaire responsible for all of this.

 Exterior front views (and for those of you questioning, steps and driveway were done in concrete)

Some shots of the back (so very exciting to finally have a deck)

Back inside. Here's some shots of the finished front entrance and staircase. Our center display features river stones and a bamboo tree.

A view of the office which is off the front entrance.

And finally, the dining room. Thought the day would never come that we would get our table and it was in no thanks to the original store that we had ordered it from only to cancel the order and go elsewhere. All worked out as I love my table.

Unfortunately we do not have any pics to share of the rooftop patio as we haven't quite gotten to that yet-still trying to figure out how to pay for all of this other stuff first! It'll probably be quite some time before we get to that but it's ready and waiting to be an exciting future project.
Somehow we did it, don't ask me how but we "made a house" (and a pretty darn special one at that). May occasionally still wake up in a cold sweat from time to time but sure enough that feeling will pass and we can now truly enjoy our home.
Thanks for following and who knows, if this site is still around in the future maybe we can add any progress that was made, maybe even share that hot tub on the roof!
And fyi, I plan on staying away from any kind of home improvement store or anything even vaguely related for a very long time.

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