February 13, 2011

Sneak peeks

Yes, still alive (and still building). Things have been a little hectic for the past month so I realize I've been neglecting the blog. Big update is we sold our current home (thanks Grapevine-did it in 6 days-and over asking-how about that!!) And we've been moving along with the finishes as we've set our move in date for March 26th-no pressure, really. Even little Z is getting excited now although she has stated that we can't live there yet cause "it's still too scary" since we keep bringing her in the evening with no lights yet. Sprinting to the finish line.
Most of the kitchen cabinets are in (just the cabinets at this point), big portion of the flooring and trim is done and next will be finishing the trim and getting the painters back to do the final coats. It really is a mess in there because there's so much going on at the same time (totally losing sleep) From there, it will be fixtures, closets, bathrooms and lighting left. We are also waiting for our counters, went with the quartz so it takes a month to order. Can we do it??

Because it is such a mess here's some shots of some bits and pieces for now, will have some better ones once it all comes together as the photos truly don't do it justice at this point.

We had our steel stairs fixed so here's a look. The treads will be done in bamboo like the rest of the flooring and the handrail will be glass. The wall to the right is our "great wall". It's done in cement board like the exterior (bringing the outside in) and goes from down in the basement all the way up to the top level. We have it covered to protect it from all the work going on.

Here's a glance at the private roof top patio. Everyone has been asking about it so this is just a little peek-blurry as I took the pic from the inside of the window and obviously lots of snow up there right now. It sits above the great room to the back of the house.

A look at the tile in the ensuite shower

The bamboo flooring going in as we speak

Can't wait to sit back (no really, we can't wait to like sit again) and listen to our surround sound in the great room-had ceiling speakers put in.

A look out towards the front from the upstairs hallway. All sorts of light. Love it.

And just a little preview of the kitchen as we really want to wait to show the finished product. This just gives an idea of the colours and my new toy (our Fisher and Paykel fridge) is covered up to protect it from all the mess. Most of the appliances have been delivered already and are just waiting to be put in place. Very excited.

Almost there. Will try to update some more finished looks soon!

1 comment:

  1. so exciting..... keep up the good work Paulo... you can see the light at the end of the tunnel :)
