November 28, 2010

Progress Report

So here's the latest developments...
Exterior finishes have been a slow start but we seem to finally be moving. Here's the look of the metal siding we're doing in the back of the house.

A view from our bedroom balcony.

What are you doing on the roof mommy??

And insulation is almost done-roofs are done in spray foam insulation as you can see in the ceiling in the photo below. Drywall should be starting soon. This is the view from the great room towards the front of the house. Take a good look folks cause this is the messiest you'll ever see my home! Will try to update soon.

November 13, 2010

A lesson on Nichiha fiber cement board

Everyone has been asking what the exterior finishes will be and whenever we say “cement board” we continue to see the question mark on people’s faces. The photo attached shows what it looks like (we're finally starting the exterior finishes...slowly) But here’s a quick explanation. The Nichiha product we’ve chosen to use is basically large panels which are made up of cement, water and fly ash (which acts as the binding product).  

What is Fly Ash? Here’s the description from the product information “Fly ash is a recycled post-consumer waste by-product produced from coal burning power plants. The ash is collected as it “flies” out of the smoke stack and is then typically sent to a landfill. However, environmentalists and engineers urge the reuse of fly ash. Nichiha understands the benefits of fly ash reuse and after years of product development research, the company now incorporates fly ash into the composition of its fiber cement siding products. Through this process, Nichiha is able to divert more than 66,000 tons of ash per year from being dumped in landfills.”

So not only does it look good, it’s sustainable too. 
Can’t wait to see what it’s finally gonna look like once it’s complete.  

As for progress, we've been waiting to start the exterior because of problems with our product orders (needless to say we're a little unimpressed with one of our suppliers right now). All the rough ins are complete, stair frames are in and the next inspection is due to take place this week so we can start insulation. Baby steps. Hope to have some better pics of the exterior soon.